Young People

Hi, nice of you to have a look at my site.

As a young person, you can struggle with all kinds of problems. For example, you may feel insecure about your appearance, suffer from fear of failure, or find it difficult to find motivation for school or work. Or do you often argue with friends, your parents?  You wonder if you are addicted to something?

Maybe you worry a lot about everything. Or you have experienced something that has a major influence on your life. Things that you have not yet processed, accepted or cannot let go of. It could be anything that is causing you to not feel good about yourself right now.
Sometimes it is not possible to solve it alone. Then you can contact Praktijk Gezin & Zo. You register with your parents, or if you are 16 years or older then you can come alone and without permission. I can explain how that works when you contact me. We have an intake interview and try to identify what is going on and what can be done about it.It may also be that you actually want help but do not want to take this step yet. Then see if you can confide in an adult. This could be a family member, a parent of a good friend, a teacher, mentor or coach from your sports club. Anyone you trust and feel safe with. Talking about it can do a lot.

Are you really in trouble and do you need urgent help right now?
Please call me. 06-11660999 

Or contact the institutions below:

Crisis service: Praktijk Gezin & Zo does not have a crisis service. If there is an emergency, it is best to contact your (duty) GP or the crisis service, for example, GGZ in Geest,  or levvel.

Domestic violence: In the event of a crisis of domestic violence: In case of acute emergency, call 112 or, if there is less urgency,                                                 Safe at Home: Telephone: 0800-2000, available 24 hours a day.

Suicide: Do you need help because you or someone else around you has suicidal thoughts? Please contact the Suicide help and prevention line.  Talk about it. Tel: 0800-0113 (free), 113 (regular rate) or  https://

Reporting code: Praktijk Gezin & Zo is following the reporting code for domestic violence and child abuse. This means that I follow the guidelines of the reporting code if there are suspicions of domestic violence and/or child abuse. You can read what the reporting code means here.