
Initial phase
You can register for a no-obligation introductory meeting via the contact page. Then we will schedule a phone appointment together.  If you would like advice and guidance from Praktijk Gezin & Zo after this conversation, we will make an appointment for an intake interview.

Intake interview
During this interview, you talk about your situation or problems. I will ask you many questions to get the best possible picture of the problems you have with regard to upbringing, your family situation and possible causes or circumstances that amplify and/or maintain the problems.

Pedagogical advice plan
Based on all the information obtained, a pedagogical advice plan is then drawn up. Praktijk Gezin & Zo likes to work system-oriented. The help provided is not only for parent and child, but where necessary, I also involve brothers & sisters, grandmothers & grandfathers, schools, doctors, institutions, etc. Once the pedagogical plan has been completed and fully approved by you, we can start the assistance.

After each contact, a short evaluation takes place. In addition, a process is periodically evaluated. Together we look at whether we are still on the right track to achieving the goals that have been set. We will adjust them if necessary. At the end of a process, a final evaluation takes place. Follow-up appointments are also made.

If the evaluations show that there is still a (remaining) request for help, we will continue to search together for the best possible solution.